The Witbank Aeronautical Association (WAA) is proud to once again host a fly-in to their airfield on Tuesday 21 March 2023 to help celebrate Human Rights Day.
The aim is to promote and introduce aviation to pilots, family and friends. Stalls selling savoury and sweet pancakes will be available. Festivities start at 07h00 and should conclude just before midday.

Pilots are requested to check their latest NOTAMs regarding the airfield.
- Runway : 04/22
4134 x 36 feet (Asphalt)
- Other Runways: 09/27 and 17/35 (Grass)
- Elevation: 5078.0 feet MSL
- Coordinates: S25°50.03′ / E29°11.56′
- Radio frequency: 123.5
Also speak to Johannesburg on 127.4.
- Fuel: Avgas only

If paradropping is in progress please do not overfly the airfield.
Join the circuit for either 22 or 04.
Normally runway in use is 22 (uphill – check with local traffic)
Witbank almost always has a crosswind.
Park near control tower or as directed.